Photo by ABeijeman
Rabbits have unique behaviors and mannerisms. Learning to understand what your rabbit is trying to communicate allows you to build a stronger bond together. In this blog post, we'll cover some common rabbit behaviors so you can get to know your pet bunny better.
Body Language:
Rabbits use body language to express how they are feeling. Here are some hints:
Sitting up tall - This indicates an alert, curious rabbit. If the ears are perked up too, your rabbit is fully engaged with their surroundings.
Lying down flat - A relaxed flop over means your rabbit feels safe and comfortable. Watch for full body stretches as well.
Thumping hind legs - Thumping quickly on the ground is a warning signal. Your rabbit may feel threatened by a noise, scent, or your actions.
Tooth-clicking - This repetitive chattering sound says your rabbit is content. You may notice light tooth grinding or purring too.
Interactions with Humans:
Rabbits can develop close bonds with their human owners. Here are some ways rabbits interact:
Nipping or nosing - Your rabbit may nip or rub their nose on you to get your attention. They are saying hi and asking for pets or playtime.
Licking - As fellow groomers, rabbits may lick your hand or face. This is a sign of affection.
Circling your feet - Circling around your feet means your rabbit wants you to join them during run-and-play time.
Chinning objects - A rabbit marks items with their chin to signal ownership. They may "claim" you as well!
Urinating - Unfortunately rabbits may urinate outside their litter box on your carpet or bed. This could indicate territorial behavior or a request for cleaning the litter box.
Understanding your rabbit's unique behaviors takes time and patience. However learning their communication style deepens the bonds between humans and rabbits. Pay close attention and get to know your pet bunny's habits, signals, and quirks.
Disclaimer: We are not professional veterinarians or medical doctors. We created this blog based on our experiences with pet rabbits, experienced peers, volunteered hours in the rabbit shelter, and extensive pet product research. The purpose of this blog is to provide information about properly taking care of rabbits. Please know that it is still best to visit the vet regularly. For medical emergencies, contact a rabbit-savvy vet. Always observe your rabbits around new products or environmental changes.
Conclusion: Your rabbit's behaviors give you valuable insight into how they see the world. Each ear flick, stretch, or circle your feet is full of meaning. Learning to understand and respond to your rabbit will strengthen your relationship together and lead to happy years as rabbit owner and companion.
Read more bunny blogs at www.hoppscotchbun.com!