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The Two Life Stages: Baby Rabbit and Adult Rabbit

A baby rabbit on the grass

Image by Dean Moriarty

In this blog, we will discuss a rabbit's two life stages. Rabbits of different ages have different needs and personalities. If you were to adopt a bunny, would you choose a baby bunny or an adult bunny?

We'll see how a mother rabbit takes care of its baby and what personalities we should look out for in the two life stages.

Two Life Stages: Baby Bunnies and Adult Bunnies

Baby Rabbits

A baby bunny can be in a group of 12 kits. A baby rabbit is born furless with its eyes and ears closed. Its diet in the first two weeks is the only milk from its mother. The baby rabbit will be fed by her mother once a day, rarely twice.

Because of the rabbit's rich milk, it can sustain its baby for 24 hours. While the baby rabbit still depends on its mother's milk at two-three weeks, alfalfa hay should be introduced in a small amount.

Alfalfa hay helps a baby bunny develop its bones and gain the needed weight for age. Aside from introducing a baby rabbit to alfalfa hay, you will observe that it will also start to explore and slowly start to show its playful personality.

Adult Rabbits

A rabbit is considered an adult if it reaches its 12th month. As the bunny gets to another month or year of life, its needs, personality, and temperament change. From alfalfa hay, an adult rabbit should consume another type of hay suitable for its age. (Timothy hay)

The number of pellets should be given in smaller amounts to avoid obesity because most adult bunnies are prone to this. An owner should be careful in choosing quality food for an adult bunny to live a longer life and reduce the risk of health problems.

As a rabbit gets older, it becomes less destructive, although it can still be playful and more toys are better to keep them active. An adult bunny is still excited for treats and that will never change in all ages of bunnies.

It's normal for adult rabbits as they get older to move slower than they were in their younger years. Like humans, this is a part of their aging process or cycle.

Can Rabbits in Different Ages Live Together?

It is possible to bond two bunnies of different ages. But it is not as simple as bonding two of the same age. If you want to bond rabbits of different ages, you should consider their needs and their experiences. The bonding process should be slow and steady until they tolerate each other's behavior.

Since they have different personalities, you should understand that there are things that a baby rabbit doesn't like and the same with an adult rabbit. Bonding is possible when they learn to widen their tolerance of different behaviors and personalities. Your patience is needed.

Disclaimer: We are not professional veterinarians or medical doctors. We created this blog based on our experiences with pet rabbits, volunteered hours in the rabbit shelter, extensive pet product research, and experienced peers. The purpose of this blog is to provide information about properly taking care of rabbits. Please know that it is still best to visit the vet regularly. For medical emergencies, contact a rabbit-savvy vet. Always observe your rabbits around new products or environmental changes.

Final Thoughts on Two Life Stages of a Rabbit

Every life stage of a rabbit is exciting for an owner as he witnesses different characteristics of his bunny. Learning these two crucial stages (baby rabbit and adult rabbit) will help you determine the important factors that might affect a bunny's health.

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